
Our Vision

Strong regions, progressive local government, vibrant communities 

Our Values 

Integrity, Honesty, Respect, Accountability, Regionally-focused, Collaborative

The Riverina Joint Organisation

The Riverina Joint Organisation (Riverina JO) brings together seven General Purpose councils and two Water County Councils located in the eastern Riverina of NSW.

Joint Organisations are a new type of local government-based collaborative organisation. Joint Organisations operate only in regional NSW and will increase opportunities for local government and the State to work more closely together to bring about better outcomes for the communities the JO’s Member Councils represent. The Riverina JO is one of 13 Joint Organisations that were proclaimed in 2018.

The Riverina JO’s Member Councils are: Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai, Greater Hume, Junee, Lockhart, Temora, Wagga Wagga and Goldenfields Water and Riverina Water County Councils.

The principal functions of the Riverina JO are to: 

  • establish regional strategic priorities and develop strategies and plans to deliver those priorities;

  • promote regional leadership and be an advocate for our regional strategic priorities; and

  • identify and take up opportunities for intergovernmental co-operation on matters relating to the Joint Organisation area.

The Riverina JO held its inaugural Board meeting on 19 October 2018.

The Riverina JO works hand-in-hand with the Riverina Eastern Regional Organisation of Councils Inc. (REROC) collaborating on operational and service delivery activities for the Member Councils.

Governance and Membership


The Riverina JO has full members and Associate members. Our full members are the General Purpose Councils of:

  • Bland

  • Coolamon

  • Cootamundra-Gundagai

  • Greater Hume

  • Junee

  • Lockhart

  • Temora

  • Wagga Wagga (joined February 2020)

Our Associate Members are:

  • the two County Councils located in the Riverina JO region: Goldenfields Water which is based in Temora and services Bland, Coolamon, Cootamundra-Gundagai and Temora and Riverina Water which is based in Wagga Wagga and services Lockhart, parts of Greater Hume and Wagga Wagga;

  • Director, Riverina Murray, Department of Regional NSW

Riverina JO Board

The Board of the Riverina JO is comprised of voting and non-voting members and an independent Chairperson who is elected from the voting members. The Council from which the Chairperson is drawn nominates a replacement delegate to the Board, the replacement delegate would usually be the Deputy Mayor. Our current Chairman is Cr Rick Firman OAM, Mayor of Temora, his replacement delegate is Cr Graham Sinclair, the Deputy Mayor of Temora Shire.

Voting members are the Mayors (or their alternates when a Mayor is unable to attend) of the Full Member Councils. Each Member receives has one vote.  

Our Associate Members do not have voting rights.

Board Meetings

Riverina Joint Organisation Board meetings are held every second month. Board meetings are open to the public. A schedule of Board meetings can be found below.


The Riverina JO employs a Chief Executive Officer, Julie Briggs, who is responsible for the day-to-day management of the JO.